Friday, November 30, 2007
met up with choir ppl..haha..finally able to see them after 1 year..haha xD go pizza hut to eat..den i realise i abit lag liao.all the gossips like dunno wad they're saying de..haha xD den accompany titus to cut hair..den stay at one corner take photos..haha abit weird..but we had fun xD

me, titus, xin min, rong xuan, joei, yingying, hwei zhong

he taller den me le!!

with his new haircut..he told the aunty not to cut his fringe..Haha..we can compete le



titus phone..wanted to buy this at first..but budget..haha!! xD we're bored while waiting for the started taking photo of our phones..haha
oh and these are the cakes i had for my birthdae xD nice bah..

cox got alot of birds making nest at my hse the air con thingy my bad made this fake but funny looking bird to scare them away..

lol due to the wind, so it looks like it's flying huh -.- my dad's art A* bah..hahaha
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
11/30/2007 11:03:00 PM
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
ytd celebrated my birthdae with my family le..cox they noe i wont be home in the evening, and my dad wont be at home in the morning..haha..i love the cake xD thanks!
todae morning went for taiji to learn "xi yang mei" okie sounds chim..but it's fun! den fong lan aunty bought me a cup's sooooo cute..shall post the photos tml..i'm super tired..after training..haha
and..thanks peijing and sal! jing ar u like wish me happy birthdae everywhere xD my tag board my friendster sms and ur blog..THANKS!! and sal sal..dun angry lah..haha..u mus smile too xD
ah ma is the first to wish me happy birthdae xD and choir people.. was quite surprised that u all remembered my birthdae xD weihao..fall sick..high fever still can remember also..haha..not bad xD bu kui shi 7 yrs of gd friend..take care orh
go slp le..haha..super tired..seems like whole dae wearing that wushu pants around..taiji in the morning den evening training..wan to faint
once again, thanks everyone xD
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
11/28/2007 11:25:00 PM
Monday, November 26, 2007
went out for wushu outing!! okie lah abit better den last mon..7 ppl..LOL..not bad..go ECP cycle..den suddenly rain heavily so went for lunch le..den do j2 farewell party de things..wushu ppl also got art talent de okie..nice take photo of them next time xD
ah ma change phone le..and her phone very cute..will pronounce the person's name out when u call..LOL..den she put my name as ah when the phone pronounce it was like..super spas..sounds like "ah1 gong3".. so cute de phone!! but kind of scary if the person call u at nite..haha
photo taken todae with ah ma's new phone!!

our family..lao pa lao ma and er zi..LOL
ah...i'm super pissed with those people..who did use my phone number but dunno why use that to register stuffs..or if they changed their phone number, could they pls just change it, correct with those organisations? everydae have to pick up phone calls from different organisation looking for different people..i even have TTS hospital hao bu hao....oh pls..
ah...economic crisis -.- super broke now..haix........
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
11/26/2007 09:27:00 PM
Saturday, November 24, 2007
oh ya..that dae went out with lois..nothing to go popular to see see..very long nv go popular..haha..but anyway..we saw the OBS book cox they dunno how many yr anniversery..den at the back got the names of school participating..but..they spelled peirce as PIERCE!! wrong leh..haix.why always spell wrongly de..PEIRCE okie..last time the NDP booklet also -.-" suan long as i noe that is my school..xD
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
11/24/2007 10:16:00 PM
went out with avril far east and bugis..dunno why we shop very fast todae..haha..
we saw the little miss twins shirt..and we wanted to the end nv lah..cox tt was when we're going home..den thought of that..den super tired le..cannot walk to the shop again..haha..we're so tired that we even go OG there sell shoes de corner to sit down =x
on our way home, we feel like we're in the train..onli one 7 toddlers plus 1 baby -.- den the toddlers like keep running around..den u noe their shoes got the squeeking sound..wah..i wonder if i'm reli in a train..haha..and i dunno why we 2 todae always forget to alight..haha
actually quite happy avril's coming to AJ..although her score she should go other beta school i think..but first time i've relative in the same sch as! excited =x
ooo i bought the 50 facts that should change the world tt book le..haha! i read the headings like not bad..haha..will start reading on 14th december!! when i'm in malaysia rotting..HAHA
go watch tv again le xD
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
11/24/2007 09:48:00 PM
Friday, November 23, 2007
lol..5daes older den me de "mummy"..still remember sec1 always we 2 sweep floor..haha xD
anyway jus finished taiji..not bad todae.learnt the new fan de taolu plus 40 style taiji brain abit used up all by taiji todae..haha..but cox it is similar to 42 still okie lah..
ytd met up with lois jiamin esther and...alvin..LOL cox we bought peijing's ticket le..den we cannot contact the end when we finally reached her, she's on her way home -.-" so...she lazy come out as we call alvin..haha..but the movie not bad..haha..
everyone's complaining about my donald duck's ringtone..LOL
i go watch TV le..
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
11/23/2007 11:22:00 PM
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
finished working..for my her to cut the rubber strips? i dunno wad u call the shirt sleeve tired =/
morning woke up do some chem...den go meet her wrap her books and take my bro's book back home..inbetween play piano and play with congo..haha..nothing much todae =/ watched ratatouille..borrow dvd from liqing de xD so cute!!!
planning to go watch enchanted tml..with lois and peijing and esther..but abit..lois haven reply me..dun tell me another dae of outing gone? within this week dunno change how many times most i do maths lor =/ my maths homework is back home..haha..
okie..go slp le ...tired =/
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
11/21/2007 11:19:00 PM
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
and..forget to blog about this since ytd..haha..THANKS MING KWAN for the drawing..not bad leh u still remember..i requested for it like super long ago..during some chinese lessons..haha.. is becox someone (i forget who..think is issac?) ask us (the yingying and cuifang) to pass him his lecture notes..den we busybody go flip..and he got lots of drawings inside!! and very nice also..well..i wonder how he do so well in his exams when he's drawing in lectures?? he said....he memorised all the things at home de..den break time always study..but den u can always discuss the story of ANY drama series..he'll noe de..OMG i relli dunno how he did i'm drifting away... me and yingying sae..on our birthdaes, ask him to give us a card..but he mus draw it personally..haha..and he reli did for both of us!! thanks!! he not onli drew it, he also write a....poem? or explaination of the drawing? wadeva u call that..haha..
so this is the drawing
and this....

u see the drawing like..still okie..but after u read those chunck of words..u'll realised it is quite meaningful..haha..
anyway thanks denise too! for delivering this for me xD
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
11/20/2007 10:40:00 PM
another outing to ECP postpone..sadded..ytd nite receive the news..alright to be specific, it is right after i post on my blog ytd..not bad ar..timing sooooo good..but okie lah since on 26th more ppl is able to make it..but..abit not so excited about it liao..haha..this week onli so many thing cancel..i very sian bro ask me to go hougang mall with him to see his psp games..okie lah since nothing to do at home also den jus go lor..okie he nv fiond his in the end go amk central to buy -.- i dunno go amk central for how many times liao..tml going there again to meet carry my bro's books -.- okie lah need to iron clothes liao..and and..i forget reply denise again! LOL paiseh ar
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
11/20/2007 08:44:00 PM
Monday, November 19, 2007
went out with denise and yinghui to do the album thingy at amk library..although it seems like onli denise is doing =/ i onli drew one hippo..
the hippo..not suppose to be hippo de =/ i wanted to draw winnie the pooh..but..i realise like hippo change to hippo..haha..
den start to do our and yinghui was so stressed out by those PnC questions..esp ques but i gave up in the end..she continued to do for super long..haha..around like 4 plus me and denise sian le..den she started drawing.....
i cancelled the "studying" and "mug".. plus writing all the NO and cannot see leh..too light..the NOs abit can lah..haha XD okie lah we're bored..haha..but yinghui still "mugging" there..haha..
tml's wushu outing at ECP!! but these few daes raining leh....hope it wont rain tml xD
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
11/19/2007 08:08:00 PM
Sunday, November 18, 2007
mummy changed phone todae!! nokia 5610..okie lah not bad..haha but she very se bu de her old phone..cox got alot sms inside..den i thought she saying about those chain letters i sae..nvm i collect le send u..haha..but in the end she sae..those sms are those that i send her when she fell down in malaysia, staying in hospital and when she's in china..i' touched..i thought wad leh..den she was complaining tt my bro onli send one "ok" back..haha..well..she's playing with her new phone now..haha xD
i ate alot guilty..haha
ooooo todae...i sms so many cum none reply me!!!! i'm so i cannot contact means we cannot do the album thingy tml..den i sms other ppl to ask them come out also..non reply despite the fact i stated clearly "PLEASE REPLY even if u're not going"..haha..i thought my phone spoil but i jus sms denise she replied leh..and..OMG i forget reply her..LOL
so cool she went to T3 todae..i wan go also..haha..onli have the chance to go sungei airport =/ okie lah beta den nothing..haha..i'm so excited abt going back to sarawak..about 2 years nv go back le ( = 2 years nv take plane) LOL..
and...arranged to meet avril on sat long nv meet her le..haha..going to buy alot of things tt dae! xD
okei i'm going to reply denise now xD abit sorry ar denise xD
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
11/18/2007 10:08:00 PM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
abit sad ar..suppose to have class outing todae at ECP..but den.. at first 15 ppl going..suddenly everyone sae they cannot make and denise still went to buy all the food early in the morning's so excited about the denise planned alot..poor denise..and thanks for ur effort anyway even though it didnt turn out so we change to outing at bugis..haha..but onli 4 ppl going xD in my fridge there's 2 big packets to nuggets..haha..can have it all on my own xD i think everyone wont be able to recognise me when sch reopens den..haha..
had fun with denise keli and see yuen todae..
actually meeting at 2pm at bugis mrt..but keli n see yuen cannot make it on time cox they had training in the morning..den denise sae her mum driving pass amk mrt so i meet her at amk mrt..but den.. i abit reach too early..reach at 1.15..den wait for in mrt until around 1.50..abt 7 trains pass by luckily there's no camera there if not the staff thinks i'm was wad criminal up to no good..haha..
after meeting with keli in bugis, we went to eat..even though i've just eaten before i come out of my house..haha..den see yuen came..went to see yin lam working..haha..
denise wanted to buy havianas so go city hall there see see..but dun have the colour and the size that she we went to vivo there see see.. but got colour tt she want but dun have her size..out of saddd..dun cry denise..haha..but trough this trip i realise my shoe size onli one size different from denise -.- my body proportion very.....weird? haha.wadeva..but i saw the heels not bad leh..keli said she had one of those..i thought it was jus slippers at first..but went to vivo den i realise got heels de..haha..nice leh..but den ex lor..haha..
photos again..todae the leadership camp from aditi's camera de xD
at upper canteen
ice breaker games
combine group with denise..haha..firstly, the 7-up game is beta to play with more people..secondly, i was quite shocked by hui zheng..abit cnt handle her..haha..
group usual..the playful hui zheng..haha
mei mei!
group photo the spider web section..haha
in the process of making our collage
er..i must admit i'm short..haha
i foung ollivia's photo!! my chinese dance junior leader..hahaha

another photo of pearleen xD

yinghui cuifang and me
todae's photos..
er okie..i'm the shortest...haha
see yuen keli me and denise =)

oh well..these few daes alot aeroplanes fly but den not bad i can stay at home finish all my work first before i go out again! (although it is quite impossible) haha..
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
11/17/2007 10:28:00 PM
Thursday, November 15, 2007 again..haha..i wonder how many photos we've taken during those 2 daes.. still in AJ...

in mfps..

the stairs..that we're actually not supposed to use it..but i see everyone using it now? change of rules?

super steep..cox we're on a hill..haha.. is it scary? see ppl falling from here many times le..
Mdm lau!! still as pretty..not bad leh she still can remember me xD i thought she'll forget me since i'm not in her form class..haha..but i love her science lessons
helping to set up the stations..
gail..wad are u doing..haha

my group's collage..haha
with mei mei and theresa..from denise group de xD

everyone in xD
after everyone is dismissed...
yes! we must have confidence in our future..haha

future girl one ex-girl guide..the professional one beside me xD
haha..poor yanling

plus Mr Khoo..i think his wedding is mfps and my bro's class went to help random =x
i'm lazy to upload all the photos..alot leh..lazy lah..haha..continue with stories..
ah..ytd got cut by sheng yao's specs..i think u hit my specs is my specs spoil not it cut ur hand leh..haha..second time got cut by specs..first time was super serious..haha..
hmmm..i cannot find olivia's photo le...sadd..i remember i took with her..
so happy tt i've cleared my room looks much nicer and neater now..haha
but my bro still dun wan to help me -.- ask him to sweep the floor onli need to give him money..forget it i sweep myself.. this time..shld be eating with terence and lois le ba.. but last min lois sae not at home rotting xD tml have wushu again..pray hard i wont fall again or that me legs wont irritate me anymore..cox my mum's starting to ask me quit wushu le -.- i also dunno why i fall so many times leh..haha..but i dunno where to injure the next time if (touch wood) i fall again..both legs plus backbone injured le..haha but tt doc already every single piece is out of i dunno wad to sae hard dun fall le.......
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
11/15/2007 04:53:00 PM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

group one!! my group..pearleen, olivia, hui zheng (the one with funny face) and sheng yao
group2!! our allies..haha..mei mei, theresa, jian sheng (issit? he covered his name tag when i ask him for his name) and malcolm..(with hui zheng at the background..haha)
wan a closer look of hui zheng? she's responsible though..jus tt abit too hyper..haha
last pic..with this cute little guy..dunno wads his name =x me n denise see him very cute..and alot ppl taking photo with take also..xD he's from choir!! alto..haha..and he ask me to buy his concert ticket before i can take photo..haha..cute bah..
so todae, another day in mayflower pri..
i'm super super abit no energy..abit not high enough..
morning..actually me yingying cuifang denise gail yinghui to do the album thingy again..but the weather super switch off the alarm clock n went back to slp..den overslept of cox..but my mum woke me up..haha..den she told me one aunty coming..den i orh..slowly go brush teeth wash face eventhough i'm late..super tired..den my aunty came..i realise she want to borrow my promo paper -.- so need dig all the time i going out, it's alreay 9..our meeting at 845..haha..i'm so sorry arh..
yeah mayflower here i come again xD
todae hui zheng nv come cox she got choir concert at VCH..ooooo so cool..imagine small kids singing..SO CUTE!! our grp left with 3 ppl..we have fun..and pearleen so cute..she will pull my hand when moving to places..haha..and they had no idea wad to call me and called my teacher in the end..haha..upgrade le..xD
even though we onli got consolation prize..but not bad wad..haha..still got sweets..xD and they still rmb to share with nice...den group 2 and 3 i helped group 2 to cheer..since we've been combining with group 2 almost everytime..and we're quite close le..haha..even though they lost...i'm so sorry eh..haha..but they shared their sweets with me too eventhough i'm not their touched!!!
den alot photo until i'm super tired.. tt malcolm dun wan take with around the sch jus to siam my sheng yao also..aiyo..guys reli dun like take picture ar..haha..well..nvm i take with pearleen and alot photos with 3107..lame ones also..haha..and and..with my mum's school bus de kids..super cute!! eenthough onli take with those guys who are more enthu.. but the nv siam me..except one..not bad leh..and another boy boy even ask me to take photo with him..not bad not bad..haha..erm..alot of the photos not with i onli have a next time after they send me just upload those in my phone cam..

mayflower school song..miss it..
okie now my group..onli got her..haha..olivia's photo in dunno whose cam..haha
pearleen!! the cutest of all..haha
okie now..3107
see yuen
ying hui
ming hui aka lao ma
ming kwan aka lao pa xDyanling
joe han

gail and yingying repel..haha xD
gail the builder xD but den..the hat like wear wrong place leh..haha
this is the chinese dance photo..i'm somewhere inside..and it is still on the dance
the first concert i participated.."small part of the world"..i still got tt shirt also..and i saw mr lum's signature..haix nv see him this time going back.. school bus..haha..seriously i don't know their names..but they are soooooo cute xD dun believe? see..
he asked me to take photo with cute!!
i think he is the cutest xD
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
11/14/2007 08:33:00 PM