Saturday, May 31, 2008
another boring day....
end of post XD
tnemtaert riafnu
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
5/31/2008 09:34:00 PM
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
chem tut!! okie lah in miss ma's lessons time seems to fly..haha..after tt went for lunch with ying hui denise gail and mingkwan. weird rite ate my carrot cake!! stall de carrot cake is reli nice okie..but abit oily lah =x so dun always bring me go amk market eat..dun tempt me..haha..after tt go mac..cox tt's the nearest..we lazy to walk le..haha..but the ice cream lady v noisy..keep ringing the bell..but mac isnt suppose to be a place to study in the first cnt complain..haha..
i haven talk abt the concert..Above All comments =x haha..but it's nice to meet up with sec sch friends =)

TITUS! he posted 2 of these photos to compare i shall put tt spot the difference!! haha..the photo below is taken 2 years ago..same

okokokokok..continue to see the photos first =D

wan QI and wan QING lol she has to bend down -.-

with sam and luyun!
current batch de choir ppl..i seems to know mr ong!
peiqin! forever wearing tt
okie..for the spot the difference part..u all can see de lah..haha..but the main thing is..2 years ago..u're still a performer, wearing ur band costume..i retire le but still wearing choir tee and going support u the permission to go to backstage whenever you want..haha..sat..both of us wearing home clothes standing outside the door to backstage taking photos le..haha..wad this shows..we're old le -.-
it's true n luyun trying very hard to recognise anyone we know on stage..apparently ong =x met jason on the way to nyjc..he also grow so tall catching up with hg..HAHA x= OH and mr phua is leaving too..still remember his long sleep le we have to tok to with for almost 3 hours? lol..
continue to watch tv le XD
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
5/27/2008 09:11:00 PM
Saturday, May 24, 2008
yeah finally gp and econs essay over le~ but both also v screwed -.- atl east econs is beta den the right favourite mass media go combine with globalisation -.- poverty also dunno wad weird question is tt..all not enough points the end do sports..which is like..i'm crapping all the way..oh no my U is jus sticking to me forever
holidays le!! ytd..our class totally sian..when we see mrs ng walk in..aiyo taking econs paper still have to see our econs usual, keep nagging..haha..and she want us to sign our attendance while we're doing the paper..den she jus put the paper beside me and nv tell me i jus happily continue to write my essay lah..haha..den finally she spoke and ask me to sign..haha..end of paper sm still ask me why mrs ng stuck at ur table for so long..she also nv tell me wad to do so i assume she's jus walking pass..haha..after econs went to eat kfc..haha..cox mrs ng said, "eat more vegetables, fruits, drink more water, and postpone ur kfc" so me n sm reli go postpone until now -.- haha..den go shopping..spend the 5 hours in orchard den go back sch for chem make up lecture..funny 3pm such weird time..everyone cnt concentrate le..even isaac was timing how long does he take to finish the ususal stoning =x
okie den go back..wanted to SLEEP first..cox it's like so tiriing..but when i reached home..someone called me go downstairs carry 3 big bags of clothes..siao..i onli 2 hands how to carry 3.. bully me.. in the end..slowly carry up i took about 20mins to do it =x incredible..haha..den left 15 mins to slepp? i think i cannot wake up continue to play game!! accuracy of's nice lah..i can hear mel keep laughing non stop..haha.. den si aun late..cox of a stupid mistake..he thought we're watching at cine..haha!! at least i though it was at amk i still can rush down =x haha
makan!! after the kfc i nv eat anything until 9pm le-.- after the movie..but actually not hungry yet..but dunno why gastric pain -.- everytime i nv bring my medicine out only like tt le..argh.. den go home earlier..cox scare i cnt even roll back home..haha
i think tt's all i remember for last week..haha..other den econs =x
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
5/24/2008 09:20:00 AM
Saturday, May 17, 2008
omg..i mus be damn slow..i now den realise my friend went to study in australia le..ops..damn slow..haix..well old le is like tt..memory
econs ah econs..haix..i'm like dying..jus to memorise the study sstill got microeconomics leh..sure die -.- but fail until used to it nvm most go for extra lessons -.- which is a waste of time i guess..haha
thanks ah ma for the lollipop!! XD
more and more AMAZING stuff happening these daes..well..jus like wad ah ma said lor..Haha! let it be bah..haha
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
5/17/2008 07:37:00 PM
Thursday, May 15, 2008
low crime doesnt mean no crime orh..
i dunno if i'm suppose to be happy, relief or worry..but least i'm home now..haha XD
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
5/15/2008 04:03:00 PM
Sunday, May 11, 2008
lol oh to activate my blog abit..
firstly, mus thanks kr for the treat XD haha..thanks thanks! and sorry mel en kr for fogetting lots of stuff these few daes =x i'm like permanently on ester island le..haha! jus got fired on fri le..sacked by boss.. haha!
hmm i shall go study for chem spa..i forget got spa tml lah..haix..i dun wan screw up again le..
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
5/11/2008 10:08:00 PM