Sunday, August 31, 2008
OMG OMG i found out something..
tt dae during competition gt ppl do taiji sword but got sound's quite incredible..produce sound with taiji sword?? BUT i did it ytd!!!!
cox the beads hit the sword =x
well maybe she really manage to make a sound using tt sword =x but den i managed to do it too =x haha!! who saes taiji sword cnt produce any sound?? lol =D
tml still have to wake up early..jiu end here bah..
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
8/31/2008 12:13:00 AM
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
haix..terrible..i dunno how to explain la..but if i try to bite someone now sure wont hurt de -.- slowly go figure out wad happened bah..had a hard time swallowing everything =/ ytd already eat v long le..todae morning..cox i noe todae not much break so cook instant noodles =x (ya early in the morning =x ) and i took 20 mins to finish that..mus force myself to the end! okie la the bus worse den me..didnt even in the end late for sch lor..haha..
haix jus here to complain how long i need to finish my meal..haha..dun tell me i need to have porridge until oct? sian..
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
8/12/2008 04:05:00 PM
Saturday, August 9, 2008
i missed mel's cheerleading part..outside for dinner..hehe..the fireworks reminds me of watching it under the rain -.- sacrifies for the fireworks..haha..but it's nice la =D
well..wushu nationals coming soon..fri sat sun going support my parents..but this yr alot ppl participate lah..omg..all pros somemore..heng i nv join..haha!! shld be quite nice..since there're lots of pros competiting..but den..abit sad for my parents lah =x cum go in now need entry fee de -.- tt's lame..
okie some photos taken ytd..
ya tt's where we stand..see the train? lol..
class photo before we left
and these on our class birthdae..

take 1
take 2
with denise!!
denise gail see yuen and behind..shimin and cuifang
ya i think there're atill more photos..but have to wait for denise to online..haha..yupyup..end here bah
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
8/09/2008 10:22:00 PM
Thursday, August 7, 2008
oh..i found this on my class blog..they're so lame lah!! but it's really spas =x i guess it was started by ming
"Feeling incredibly lame, i shall type out the story of 31/07's 080808*
disclaimer- i am not the one who came up wif all of them...i have accomplicies This is the history of our names(:Warning! incredibly lame!
Once upon a time in AJ, there were seven mascots to celebrate the arrival of the Olympics which fell on 080808. They were namely Lao Lao(Ming Kwan), Bei Bei(Kai Lin), Jing Jing(Ying Hui), Huan Huan(JoeHan), Yingying(duh!), Nini(Ming Hui) and Lala(Vathsala).
One day all seven of them decided to take an extremely windy road to the National Aquatics Centre to watch synchronized swimming. The route that they took was so complicated and they all felt giddy aft that, they decided to name the road ZigZag(Isaac) to warn pple of how complicated the road was.
Upon reaching the National Aquatics Centre, they were immediately captivated by the performance by a pair of twins ShiShi(Shimin) and ThamTham(Cynthia) who were the center of attention. [in case you dun get it, they both mean wet]Their next stop was the Bird's Nest stadium, where they witness the skillful display of wushu exponent QingQing(WanChing). Another wushu competitor who caught their attention was Didi(Aditi), because although not a Chinese, Didi was able to speak mandrian fluently and was involved in such a Chinese dominant sport.Feeling hungry after that, they stopped by ShenShenShen(yanling)-mama jiu bang- supermkt to grab some foodstuff.
Their day was almost perfect shun shun li li(keli) until they met JiaoJiao(gail) who was the silent bunsen burner who had the ability to charred anything she came upon.
They were all so afraid that the all crowded to one corner, but our superhero class leaders never fail to save the day. Just when silent bunsen burner took in a deep breath, dede(denise) and fangfang(cuifang) stepped in to save the mascots! They used their best weapon...laughter, xixi(seeyuen)haha(seeyuen's future husband). in the blink of an eye, jiaojiao the silent bunsen burner went out of gas.
The school of AJ, is once again saved thanks to the mighty classleaders...dede and fangfang.
I did try to warn you this was lame. Its plain incoherent gibberish. If you read this before 080808, this is a countdown to the Beijing Olympics. If however this is aft 080808, i'm sure seeyuan is more than happy to be seeing you in the snail club. There are always two sides to a coin, unless you're refering to the batman coin.
credits to cynthia tham mei yun who's absolutely love! (: "
copy and paste from our class class is always tt imaginative..haha..
oh sorry that i didnt join u all todae..tml!! tml i'll go out with u all =D paiseh paiseh
and nationals coming soon..although this yr not competing..but jus going there to act as if my grp got alot ppl =x if not will be as pathetic as last yr..AJC..1 ppl -.- lol
it's finally celebration of national dae tml!! 4 daes holidae..nice..haha..and den..omg..we have to walk to the old NTUC hold hands -.- i guess it'll be the first time we'll be using the sch gate at the track there..haha..
slp le slp le..good nite everyone =D
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
8/07/2008 11:12:00 PM