Friday, October 10, 2008
woke up 5am this morning jus to finish chem paper that ms ma wanted to help us mark..ytd busy doing the gift..and..i thought it'll be super easy to make la..actually it is's jus that i failed alot of times..den need repeat whole process again..haha..reach sch jiu eat ah ma's agar-agar le..nice lah!! so i kopped abit more..hahahaha..the farewell assembly..hmmm..i think i can onli remember the neo-ton's law =.= hahaha! stm lah..and of cox the GP SU virus video whish is directed and edited by MR ANG! haha!
thanks cuifang n denise for the cd!! can see that u 2 took a super long time to do's really really nice! =D and of cox ms ewe and ms ma..i think ms ma's gift is the most unique..haha..we're kind of shocked at first..but it's really really so nice of her to do that for us =D plus plus mr ang's pizza!! onli ate 1 piece cox i was taking photos with wushu the time i reach there left a few le..hahaha..

wushu photos first:


i dunno wad are they trying to do..haha!

marvel! met him ouside chem lab after his consultation..haha!

yingtong n joanne

ah ma n ah gong!! =D

joee =D

zhen en =D
kianboon!! spear partner..hahahaha
marcus =D
now class photos:

chemistry group

maths group

maths group with ms ewe

GP group!
(do u notice something? i'm always with aditi! haha! )


my twin!! hahaha...alot ppl sae we look alike but....this photo prove that we doesnt huh..hahaha

and..she cnt even recognise her backview in another photo..she thought it was me..haha! so..let's spot the difference! =D

yes denise..another in..we always have the same thinking etc..EXCEPT preference for food..TOTALLY opposite =.= haha!

mingkwan!! i dunno how he study de la..get such gd grades and yet able to talk abt drama series with us..haha

gail!! jus realise she take photos always zoom in to one person's face de..haha!
yinghui, kailin, yingying, gail, sm, vathsala, aditi and minghui!!

with the 2 'hui's =D

note the words on the board behind..haha..h1 phy ppl from 3107
no one feels like listening to sm lecturing huh..haha! dun be too sad

with mr ang and the board that we made for him =D most of the job done by our class leaders actually..haha! nice one =D

with ms ma!!

with ms ewe
that's all bah =D
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
10/10/2008 04:54:00 PM